Marine Animals And Their Scientific Name at Animals
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Marine Animals And Their Scientific Name. The words used for scientific names are from the latin and greek languages. Marine mammals balaenoptera physalus(finback whale)) eschrichtius robustus(gray whale) megaptera novaeangliae(humpback whale) mirounga angustirostris(northern elephant seal) phoca vitulina(harbor seal) tursiops gillii (pacific bottlenosed dolphin) zalophus californiacus(california sea lion) marine invertebrates anthozoa(sea anemones, etc.)
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They are the only species in their genus, which means the genus is monotypic. Odontoceti (toothed whales, except river. List of marine mammal species and subspecies order carnivora family ursidae ursus maritimus phipps, 1774.
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Marine iguana ambystoma mexicanum axolotl ambystoma tigrinum tiger salamander amia calva bowfin anarhichadidae wolffish anarrhichthys ocellatus wolf eel anas platyrhynchos mallard anaxyrus americanus american toad anaxyrus baxteri wyoming toad anguis fragilis slow worm anobium punctatum common furniture beetle anolis carolinensis green anole The species is the smallest group; Subsequently, the common name alone is used throughout the text. Polar bear family mustelidae enhydra lutris (linnaeus, 1758).